
1  [doc_library content="title,excerpt,cf:citation,cf:source]
“Cabaret Law Repeal lets New York City Dance – as long as you’re zoned for it” – news article 11/29/2017Journalist Derek Evers wrote this article at the time the Cabaret Law was repealed in …Derek Evers, City & State New York
1916 Zoning ResolutionIn 1916, New York City adopted its first Zoning Resolution which created residence, business, and …
1926 Cabaret Law as Enacted1926 Cabaret Law: A LOCAL LAW to regulate dance . halls and cabarets, and providing …New York City Council.
1961 Zoning Resolution Use Groups – Music and DancingThe 1961 Zoning Resolution introduced provisions allowing in Use Groups 6 and 12 musical instruments …
1989 Report City Planning Commission and 1990 Amendments.After the Chiasson cases holding that the Cabaret Law could not restrict the number or …New York City
A Night Club Map of Harlem – Campbell, E. SimmIf one gives credence to those who claim that the 1926 Cabaret Law was intended …Campbell, E. S. (1932). A night-club Map of Harlem - 1932 Yale’s Beinecke Library, New Haven. Dell Publishing Company.
Bar Association Committee Describes SLA and Community Boards Pressuring License ApplicantsIn 2018, the Committee on  Hospitality Law of the New York City Bar Association submitted …
Barnes US Supreme Court 1991Nude dancing may be prohibited “governmental interest served by the text of the prohibition is …Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc., 501 U.S. 560, 111 S. Ct. 2456, 115 L. Ed. 2d 504 (1991).United States Supreme Court
Cabaret Law HistoryThe Cabaret Law and parallel provision in the City’s Zoning Resolution have evolved over time. …
Chevigny – Gigs: Jazz and the Cabaret Laws in New York CityConstitutional Law Attorney and Counsel for Plaintiffs in Chevigny and Festa Cases book on the …Chevigny, P. (2005). Gigs jazz and the cabaret laws in New York City. Routledge. Paul Chevigny
Chiasson v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs 1986This is the first Chiasson decision holding 1961 amendment to Cabaret Law restricting types of …Chiasson v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, 132 Misc. 2d 640 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 1986)New York State Supreme Court
Chiasson v. NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs 1988The New York Supreme Court in the second Chiasson case in 1988 held that limiting …Chiasson v. NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs, 138 Misc. 2d 394, 524 N.Y.S.2d 649 (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Co. 1988).New York State Supreme Court, New York County
City Council 2021 – Resolution re Amendment to Zoning Resolution to Allow DancingNew York City Council 2021 Resolution 1728 calling upon the Department of City Planning to …
Coalition of Musicians and Social Dancers to Eliminate Regulations against Dancing and MusicIn formation is  the “Coalition of Musicians and Social Dancers to Reform NYC Zoning” to …
Code NotesThe NYC Department of Buildings has failed to withdraw it Code Notes for Cabarets despite …
Comment to CityLand Article Rezoning and Remnants of Cabaret Law of June, 2022Alan D. Sugarman submitted this comment to an oversimplified article appearing in CityLand. The article …Alan D. Sugarman
Community Board 1 Stipulations to be Added to the Liquor licenseSome Community Boards, such as Community Board 1, may require Applicants to enter into a …
Dallas v. Stanglin, US Supreme Court, 1989Supreme Court decision often interpreted as holding that no constitutional protection for social dancing.Dallas v. Stanglin, 490 U.S. 19, 109 S. Ct. 1591, 104 L. Ed. 2d 18 (1989)US Supreme Court
DOB Interpretation of Local Law 41 
Dry Manhattan Michael A. Lerner Harvard University Press 2007Published by Harvard University Press in 2008, historian Michael Lerner’s Dry Manhattan is an exhaustive …Lerner, M. A. (2007). Dry Manhattan Prohibition in New York City. Harvard University Press.
Festa v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs -Supreme Court and Appellate Divisionin 2004, John Festa and other social dance teachers challenged the constitutionality of the zoning …Festa v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs,, 12 Misc. 3d 466, 820 N.Y.S.2d 452 (Sup. Ct. 2006), reversed 7 A.D.3d 343, 830 N.Y.S.2d 133 (1st Dept. 2007)
Latest DocumentsLatest Posts
Letter 2-12-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingLetter to DCP requesting mapping of areas where dancing is prohibited. Despite the recognition that …Alan D. Sugarman
Letter 2-18-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingSecond 2019 letter requesting Department of City Planning to take the lead in providing a …Alan D. Sugarman
Letter 3-06-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingThird letter to Department of City Planning discussing the 1989 changes to the Zoning Resolution …
Letter to Council Member Reynoso February 28, 2020Letter to City Council concerning lack of action in reforming the Zoning Resolution bans on …
Letter to Dan Garodnick Director Dept of City Planning July 24, 2022Letter suggesting issues to be explored in reviewing zoning resolution re music and dancing.
Letters to City Planning 2019 Request Review of Dancing and Music RegulationsFifteen months after repeal of the Cabaret Law, there was little evidence of reform of …
Local Law 178 – 2017 Establishing Office of NIghtlife and Advisory BoardLocal Law 178 was adopted in 2017 in conjunction with the repeal of the Cabaret …
M.A.R.C.H. – Multi-Agency Response to Community HotspotsThe Office of Nightlife at the NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment presents the …
M.A.R.C.H. Local Law 220 – 2019 Regulating M.A.R.C.H.
M.A.R.C.H. Sugarman Comments to City Council February 18, 2019Alan Sugarman provided post hearing Comment to the New York City Council in  connection with …
Map of Where Dancing is Allowed
Mapping of Zoning Lots Subject to Dancing and Music RegulationsFocused consideration of reform of the Zoning Resolution suggest the need for informative mapping showing …
Mayor Adams Outlines Vision for “City of Yes,” Plan for Citywide Zoning Initiatives to Support Small Businesses, Create New Housing, Promote SustainabilityPress Release June 1, 2022 New York City Mayor Eric Adams today laid out a …Office of the Mayor NYC
Mercedes Ellington Statement in Support of Repeal
Metrics and Factors Used in Dance and Music RegulationMetrics and Factors This article provides an overview of numeric metrics and other factors used …
Muchmore Amended ComplaintMuchmore’s Amended Complaint – falsely represented that the thee musician and type of instrument limitations …Amended Complaint, Muchmore's Cafe, LLC v. City of New York, DE 4, 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY October 27, 2014)Muchmore Cafe LLC
Muchmore Court Memorandum on Motions June 29, 1916Memorandum and Order of Judge Roslynn R. Mauskopf, United States District Court of the Eastern …Memorandum and Order, Muchmore's Cafe, LLC v. City of New York, DE 27, 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY Sept 29, 2016)Hon. Roslynn R. Mauskopf, USDJ
Muchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 2014 DocketMuchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY 2014)       … Muchmore's Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY 2014)United States District Court, Eastern District of New York
Musician and Dancer Statements in Support of Repeal of Cabaret Law and LitigationMusicians and dancers in 2015 and 2017 affiliated with the Coalition submitted statements supporting repeal …
New York Times, June 30, 1926 Article Provides Context as to Running Wild Introduction to Cabaret Law bill.A New York Times article from June 30, 1926 describes Mayor Walker’s debating the proposed …3 A.M. Curfew Foes Heckled By Walker. (1926, June 30). New York Times, p. 1. Https://
Nightlife Advisory Board Report Summer 2021In the Summer of 2021, the Nightlife Advisory Board issued its primary report, but opted …
Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’ New York Times, June 1, 2022The New York Times published an article by Jeffery C. Mays and Julia Carmel on …Jeffery C. Mays and Julia Carmel, Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’, New York Times June 1, 2022.New York Times Jeffery C. Mays and Julia Carmel
Office of NightlifeThe Office of Nightlife, at the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, is a liaison for New …
Office of Nightlife (ONL) June 2021 ReportThe  complete 160 page report may be downloaded at this link and is described at …
Perretti, Burton Nightclub City: Politics and Amusement in Manhatta 2007Historian Burton Perreti’s 2007 well researched history of New York City nightlife includes a detailed …Perretti, B. W. (2013). Nightclub City - Politics and Amusement in Manhattan. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Proposed Zoning Changes Cut Remnants of Cabaret Law “Foot” Loose – CityLandArticle in CityLand concerning proposed zoning changes.Hunt, K. (2022, June 6). Proposed Zoning Changes Cut Remnants of Cabaret Law “Foot” Loose. CityLand. Retrieved from
Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A Blueprint for New York City’s Economic RecoveryReport from Mayor Adams of the City of New York dated March 10, 2022. Appears …Mayor City of New York
Runnin’ Wild – Most Popular Song of the Roaring Twenties – Confirmation BiasThose continuing to claim that he 1926 Cabaret Law was intended to target jazz, Harlem …
SLA 30-Day Advance Notice Form to Community Board 12-30-2021.The State Liquor Authority requires applicants to provide a 30 day notice to Community Boards …NYS State Liquor Authority
SLA 30-Day Advance Notice to Community Board 12-31-21Applicant’s for Liquor LIcenses or change in Method of Operation are required to provide 30-days …
SLA Method of Operation Form 2013Applicants for New York State Liquor licenses must include in the application a statement of …
SLA Method of Operation Form 2018After repeal of the Cabaret Law, the SLA revised its forms for requesting the Method …State Liquor Authority
Special Permits by BSA – 18 Years and Only One Social Dancing Special PermitBoth prior to and after the 1989 revisions to the Zoning Resolution, Special Permits from …
State Liquor Authority Regulation of Dancing and Music – Method of Operations and License DatabaseThe New York State Liquor Authority is the dominant regulator of music and dancing in …
Statutory Authority of New York State Liquor Authority to Regulate Dancing and MusicThe SLA is subject to New York’s Alcohol and Beverage Control Law. Although the SLA …
Sugarman Amicus Letter Refuting Claims of Racist Intent in Original Cabaret LawLetter Motion to Intervene as Amicus Curiae,Letter Motion to Intervene as Amicus Curiae, Muchmore's Cafe, LLC v. City of New York, DE 33, 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY January 4, 2018)Alan D. Sugarman
Sugarman Presentation to Nightlife Advisory Board V. 3Concurrent with repeal of the Cabaret Law, the City Council established a new Nightlife Office …Alan D. Sugarman
Text of NYC Zoning ResolultionThe Zoning Resolution consists of 14 Articles and 11 Appendices, plus 126 Zoning Maps, that establish …
The Cabaret Law did not target black venues when allegedly not allowing jazz instruments in non-licensed establishments.When challenged, those having a belief that the Cabaret Law was racist justify their belief …
The New York State Liquor Authority – Regulation of Music and Dancing by Method of OperationThe New York State Liquor Authority has acted the major regulator of dancing in venues …
Understanding the Cabaret Law Repeal – Office of Nightlife -SLA Approval Required“In addition, if the venue has a license from the State Liquor Authority and did …Office of Nightlife
Use Group 10 Section 32-19 – HotelsThe Zoning Resolution allows dancing without restriction under Use Group 10, which carries on an …
Use Group 12 §32-21Use Group 12 applies in purely commercial and manufacturing areas and allows establishments with dancing.
Use Group 6 §32-15Use Group 6 applies in mixed commercial-residential areas. In eating and drinking establishments, does not …
Use Groups – Commercial District Regulations Article 3 – All Use Groups andZoning Resolution use group regulations including regulations of Use Group 6, 10 and 12 are …Zoning Resolution, Article Ill: Commercial District Regulations Chapter 2 – Use RegulationsCity of New York
Zoning Resolution – Provisions Relating to Dancing and MusicThe Zoning Resolution is over 3400 pages long. There are many provisions related to dancing …
Zoning Resolution – 1916 to PresentNew York City has had three major versions of the Zoning Resolution adopted in 1916, …
Zoning Resolution – Provisions Relating to Dancing and MusicProvisions of the New York City Zoning Resolution Concerning Regulation of Dancing and Music. Provisions …
Zoning Resolution As of 1960 Prior to 1961 RevisionThe 1916 Zoning Resolution as amended prior to 1961 included provision restricting the location of …

2 [doc_library content="title,excerpt,cf:source"]

“Cabaret Law Repeal lets New York City Dance – as long as you’re zoned for it” – news article 11/29/2017Journalist Derek Evers wrote this article at the time the Cabaret Law was repealed in …Derek Evers, City & State New York
1916 Zoning ResolutionIn 1916, New York City adopted its first Zoning Resolution which created residence, business, and …
1926 Cabaret Law as Enacted1926 Cabaret Law: A LOCAL LAW to regulate dance . halls and cabarets, and providing …New York City Council.
1961 Zoning Resolution Use Groups – Music and DancingThe 1961 Zoning Resolution introduced provisions allowing in Use Groups 6 and 12 musical instruments …
1989 Report City Planning Commission and 1990 Amendments.After the Chiasson cases holding that the Cabaret Law could not restrict the number or …New York City
A Night Club Map of Harlem – Campbell, E. SimmIf one gives credence to those who claim that the 1926 Cabaret Law was intended …
Bar Association Committee Describes SLA and Community Boards Pressuring License ApplicantsIn 2018, the Committee on  Hospitality Law of the New York City Bar Association submitted …
Barnes US Supreme Court 1991Nude dancing may be prohibited “governmental interest served by the text of the prohibition is …United States Supreme Court
Cabaret Law HistoryThe Cabaret Law and parallel provision in the City’s Zoning Resolution have evolved over time. …
Chevigny – Gigs: Jazz and the Cabaret Laws in New York CityConstitutional Law Attorney and Counsel for Plaintiffs in Chevigny and Festa Cases book on the …Paul Chevigny
Chiasson v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs 1986This is the first Chiasson decision holding 1961 amendment to Cabaret Law restricting types of …New York State Supreme Court
Chiasson v. NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs 1988The New York Supreme Court in the second Chiasson case in 1988 held that limiting …New York State Supreme Court, New York County
City Council 2021 – Resolution re Amendment to Zoning Resolution to Allow DancingNew York City Council 2021 Resolution 1728 calling upon the Department of City Planning to …
Coalition of Musicians and Social Dancers to Eliminate Regulations against Dancing and MusicIn formation is  the “Coalition of Musicians and Social Dancers to Reform NYC Zoning” to …
Code NotesThe NYC Department of Buildings has failed to withdraw it Code Notes for Cabarets despite …
Comment to CityLand Article Rezoning and Remnants of Cabaret Law of June, 2022Alan D. Sugarman submitted this comment to an oversimplified article appearing in CityLand. The article …Alan D. Sugarman
Community Board 1 Stipulations to be Added to the Liquor licenseSome Community Boards, such as Community Board 1, may require Applicants to enter into a …
Dallas v. Stanglin, US Supreme Court, 1989Supreme Court decision often interpreted as holding that no constitutional protection for social dancing.US Supreme Court
DOB Interpretation of Local Law 41 
Dry Manhattan Michael A. Lerner Harvard University Press 2007Published by Harvard University Press in 2008, historian Michael Lerner’s Dry Manhattan is an exhaustive …
Festa v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs -Supreme Court and Appellate Divisionin 2004, John Festa and other social dance teachers challenged the constitutionality of the zoning …
Latest DocumentsLatest Posts
Letter 2-12-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingLetter to DCP requesting mapping of areas where dancing is prohibited. Despite the recognition that …Alan D. Sugarman
Letter 2-18-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingSecond 2019 letter requesting Department of City Planning to take the lead in providing a …Alan D. Sugarman
Letter 3-06-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingThird letter to Department of City Planning discussing the 1989 changes to the Zoning Resolution …
Letter to Council Member Reynoso February 28, 2020Letter to City Council concerning lack of action in reforming the Zoning Resolution bans on …
Letter to Dan Garodnick Director Dept of City Planning July 24, 2022Letter suggesting issues to be explored in reviewing zoning resolution re music and dancing.
Letters to City Planning 2019 Request Review of Dancing and Music RegulationsFifteen months after repeal of the Cabaret Law, there was little evidence of reform of …
Local Law 178 – 2017 Establishing Office of NIghtlife and Advisory BoardLocal Law 178 was adopted in 2017 in conjunction with the repeal of the Cabaret …
M.A.R.C.H. – Multi-Agency Response to Community HotspotsThe Office of Nightlife at the NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment presents the …
M.A.R.C.H. Local Law 220 – 2019 Regulating M.A.R.C.H.
M.A.R.C.H. Sugarman Comments to City Council February 18, 2019Alan Sugarman provided post hearing Comment to the New York City Council in  connection with …
Map of Where Dancing is Allowed
Mapping of Zoning Lots Subject to Dancing and Music RegulationsFocused consideration of reform of the Zoning Resolution suggest the need for informative mapping showing …
Mayor Adams Outlines Vision for “City of Yes,” Plan for Citywide Zoning Initiatives to Support Small Businesses, Create New Housing, Promote SustainabilityPress Release June 1, 2022 New York City Mayor Eric Adams today laid out a …Office of the Mayor NYC
Mercedes Ellington Statement in Support of Repeal
Metrics and Factors Used in Dance and Music RegulationMetrics and Factors This article provides an overview of numeric metrics and other factors used …
Muchmore Amended ComplaintMuchmore’s Amended Complaint – falsely represented that the thee musician and type of instrument limitations …Muchmore Cafe LLC
Muchmore Court Memorandum on Motions June 29, 1916Memorandum and Order of Judge Roslynn R. Mauskopf, United States District Court of the Eastern …Hon. Roslynn R. Mauskopf, USDJ
Muchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 2014 DocketMuchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY 2014)       …United States District Court, Eastern District of New York
Musician and Dancer Statements in Support of Repeal of Cabaret Law and LitigationMusicians and dancers in 2015 and 2017 affiliated with the Coalition submitted statements supporting repeal …
New York Times, June 30, 1926 Article Provides Context as to Running Wild Introduction to Cabaret Law bill.A New York Times article from June 30, 1926 describes Mayor Walker’s debating the proposed …
Nightlife Advisory Board Report Summer 2021In the Summer of 2021, the Nightlife Advisory Board issued its primary report, but opted …
Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’ New York Times, June 1, 2022The New York Times published an article by Jeffery C. Mays and Julia Carmel on …New York Times Jeffery C. Mays and Julia Carmel
Office of NightlifeThe Office of Nightlife, at the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, is a liaison for New …
Office of Nightlife (ONL) June 2021 ReportThe  complete 160 page report may be downloaded at this link and is described at …
Perretti, Burton Nightclub City: Politics and Amusement in Manhatta 2007Historian Burton Perreti’s 2007 well researched history of New York City nightlife includes a detailed …
Proposed Zoning Changes Cut Remnants of Cabaret Law “Foot” Loose – CityLandArticle in CityLand concerning proposed zoning changes.
Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A Blueprint for New York City’s Economic RecoveryReport from Mayor Adams of the City of New York dated March 10, 2022. Appears …Mayor City of New York
Runnin’ Wild – Most Popular Song of the Roaring Twenties – Confirmation BiasThose continuing to claim that he 1926 Cabaret Law was intended to target jazz, Harlem …
SLA 30-Day Advance Notice Form to Community Board 12-30-2021.The State Liquor Authority requires applicants to provide a 30 day notice to Community Boards …NYS State Liquor Authority
SLA 30-Day Advance Notice to Community Board 12-31-21Applicant’s for Liquor LIcenses or change in Method of Operation are required to provide 30-days …
SLA Method of Operation Form 2013Applicants for New York State Liquor licenses must include in the application a statement of …
SLA Method of Operation Form 2018After repeal of the Cabaret Law, the SLA revised its forms for requesting the Method …State Liquor Authority
Special Permits by BSA – 18 Years and Only One Social Dancing Special PermitBoth prior to and after the 1989 revisions to the Zoning Resolution, Special Permits from …
State Liquor Authority Regulation of Dancing and Music – Method of Operations and License DatabaseThe New York State Liquor Authority is the dominant regulator of music and dancing in …
Statutory Authority of New York State Liquor Authority to Regulate Dancing and MusicThe SLA is subject to New York’s Alcohol and Beverage Control Law. Although the SLA …
Sugarman Amicus Letter Refuting Claims of Racist Intent in Original Cabaret LawLetter Motion to Intervene as Amicus Curiae,Alan D. Sugarman
Sugarman Presentation to Nightlife Advisory Board V. 3Concurrent with repeal of the Cabaret Law, the City Council established a new Nightlife Office …Alan D. Sugarman
Text of NYC Zoning ResolultionThe Zoning Resolution consists of 14 Articles and 11 Appendices, plus 126 Zoning Maps, that establish …
The Cabaret Law did not target black venues when allegedly not allowing jazz instruments in non-licensed establishments.When challenged, those having a belief that the Cabaret Law was racist justify their belief …
The New York State Liquor Authority – Regulation of Music and Dancing by Method of OperationThe New York State Liquor Authority has acted the major regulator of dancing in venues …
Understanding the Cabaret Law Repeal – Office of Nightlife -SLA Approval Required“In addition, if the venue has a license from the State Liquor Authority and did …Office of Nightlife
Use Group 10 Section 32-19 – HotelsThe Zoning Resolution allows dancing without restriction under Use Group 10, which carries on an …
Use Group 12 §32-21Use Group 12 applies in purely commercial and manufacturing areas and allows establishments with dancing.
Use Group 6 §32-15Use Group 6 applies in mixed commercial-residential areas. In eating and drinking establishments, does not …
Use Groups – Commercial District Regulations Article 3 – All Use Groups andZoning Resolution use group regulations including regulations of Use Group 6, 10 and 12 are …City of New York
Zoning Resolution – Provisions Relating to Dancing and MusicThe Zoning Resolution is over 3400 pages long. There are many provisions related to dancing …
Zoning Resolution – 1916 to PresentNew York City has had three major versions of the Zoning Resolution adopted in 1916, …
Zoning Resolution – Provisions Relating to Dancing and MusicProvisions of the New York City Zoning Resolution Concerning Regulation of Dancing and Music. Provisions …
Zoning Resolution As of 1960 Prior to 1961 RevisionThe 1916 Zoning Resolution as amended prior to 1961 included provision restricting the location of …
3: [doc_library content="title,excerpt,cf:citation"]
“Cabaret Law Repeal lets New York City Dance – as long as you’re zoned for it” – news article 11/29/2017Journalist Derek Evers wrote this article at the time the Cabaret Law was repealed in …
1916 Zoning ResolutionIn 1916, New York City adopted its first Zoning Resolution which created residence, business, and …
1926 Cabaret Law as Enacted1926 Cabaret Law: A LOCAL LAW to regulate dance . halls and cabarets, and providing …
1961 Zoning Resolution Use Groups – Music and DancingThe 1961 Zoning Resolution introduced provisions allowing in Use Groups 6 and 12 musical instruments …
1989 Report City Planning Commission and 1990 Amendments.After the Chiasson cases holding that the Cabaret Law could not restrict the number or …
A Night Club Map of Harlem – Campbell, E. SimmIf one gives credence to those who claim that the 1926 Cabaret Law was intended …Campbell, E. S. (1932). A night-club Map of Harlem - 1932 Yale’s Beinecke Library, New Haven. Dell Publishing Company.
Bar Association Committee Describes SLA and Community Boards Pressuring License ApplicantsIn 2018, the Committee on  Hospitality Law of the New York City Bar Association submitted …
Barnes US Supreme Court 1991Nude dancing may be prohibited “governmental interest served by the text of the prohibition is …Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc., 501 U.S. 560, 111 S. Ct. 2456, 115 L. Ed. 2d 504 (1991).
Cabaret Law HistoryThe Cabaret Law and parallel provision in the City’s Zoning Resolution have evolved over time. …
Chevigny – Gigs: Jazz and the Cabaret Laws in New York CityConstitutional Law Attorney and Counsel for Plaintiffs in Chevigny and Festa Cases book on the …Chevigny, P. (2005). Gigs jazz and the cabaret laws in New York City. Routledge.
Chiasson v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs 1986This is the first Chiasson decision holding 1961 amendment to Cabaret Law restricting types of …Chiasson v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, 132 Misc. 2d 640 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 1986)
Chiasson v. NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs 1988The New York Supreme Court in the second Chiasson case in 1988 held that limiting …Chiasson v. NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs, 138 Misc. 2d 394, 524 N.Y.S.2d 649 (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Co. 1988).
City Council 2021 – Resolution re Amendment to Zoning Resolution to Allow DancingNew York City Council 2021 Resolution 1728 calling upon the Department of City Planning to …
Coalition of Musicians and Social Dancers to Eliminate Regulations against Dancing and MusicIn formation is  the “Coalition of Musicians and Social Dancers to Reform NYC Zoning” to …
Code NotesThe NYC Department of Buildings has failed to withdraw it Code Notes for Cabarets despite …
Comment to CityLand Article Rezoning and Remnants of Cabaret Law of June, 2022Alan D. Sugarman submitted this comment to an oversimplified article appearing in CityLand. The article …
Community Board 1 Stipulations to be Added to the Liquor licenseSome Community Boards, such as Community Board 1, may require Applicants to enter into a …
Dallas v. Stanglin, US Supreme Court, 1989Supreme Court decision often interpreted as holding that no constitutional protection for social dancing.Dallas v. Stanglin, 490 U.S. 19, 109 S. Ct. 1591, 104 L. Ed. 2d 18 (1989)
DOB Interpretation of Local Law 41 
Dry Manhattan Michael A. Lerner Harvard University Press 2007Published by Harvard University Press in 2008, historian Michael Lerner’s Dry Manhattan is an exhaustive …Lerner, M. A. (2007). Dry Manhattan Prohibition in New York City. Harvard University Press.
Festa v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs -Supreme Court and Appellate Divisionin 2004, John Festa and other social dance teachers challenged the constitutionality of the zoning …Festa v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs,, 12 Misc. 3d 466, 820 N.Y.S.2d 452 (Sup. Ct. 2006), reversed 7 A.D.3d 343, 830 N.Y.S.2d 133 (1st Dept. 2007)
Latest DocumentsLatest Posts
Letter 2-12-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingLetter to DCP requesting mapping of areas where dancing is prohibited. Despite the recognition that …
Letter 2-18-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingSecond 2019 letter requesting Department of City Planning to take the lead in providing a …
Letter 3-06-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingThird letter to Department of City Planning discussing the 1989 changes to the Zoning Resolution …
Letter to Council Member Reynoso February 28, 2020Letter to City Council concerning lack of action in reforming the Zoning Resolution bans on …
Letter to Dan Garodnick Director Dept of City Planning July 24, 2022Letter suggesting issues to be explored in reviewing zoning resolution re music and dancing.
Letters to City Planning 2019 Request Review of Dancing and Music RegulationsFifteen months after repeal of the Cabaret Law, there was little evidence of reform of …
Local Law 178 – 2017 Establishing Office of NIghtlife and Advisory BoardLocal Law 178 was adopted in 2017 in conjunction with the repeal of the Cabaret …
M.A.R.C.H. – Multi-Agency Response to Community HotspotsThe Office of Nightlife at the NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment presents the …
M.A.R.C.H. Local Law 220 – 2019 Regulating M.A.R.C.H.
M.A.R.C.H. Sugarman Comments to City Council February 18, 2019Alan Sugarman provided post hearing Comment to the New York City Council in  connection with …
Map of Where Dancing is Allowed
Mapping of Zoning Lots Subject to Dancing and Music RegulationsFocused consideration of reform of the Zoning Resolution suggest the need for informative mapping showing …
Mayor Adams Outlines Vision for “City of Yes,” Plan for Citywide Zoning Initiatives to Support Small Businesses, Create New Housing, Promote SustainabilityPress Release June 1, 2022 New York City Mayor Eric Adams today laid out a …
Mercedes Ellington Statement in Support of Repeal
Metrics and Factors Used in Dance and Music RegulationMetrics and Factors This article provides an overview of numeric metrics and other factors used …
Muchmore Amended ComplaintMuchmore’s Amended Complaint – falsely represented that the thee musician and type of instrument limitations …Amended Complaint, Muchmore's Cafe, LLC v. City of New York, DE 4, 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY October 27, 2014)
Muchmore Court Memorandum on Motions June 29, 1916Memorandum and Order of Judge Roslynn R. Mauskopf, United States District Court of the Eastern …Memorandum and Order, Muchmore's Cafe, LLC v. City of New York, DE 27, 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY Sept 29, 2016)
Muchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 2014 DocketMuchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY 2014)       … Muchmore's Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY 2014)
Musician and Dancer Statements in Support of Repeal of Cabaret Law and LitigationMusicians and dancers in 2015 and 2017 affiliated with the Coalition submitted statements supporting repeal …
New York Times, June 30, 1926 Article Provides Context as to Running Wild Introduction to Cabaret Law bill.A New York Times article from June 30, 1926 describes Mayor Walker’s debating the proposed …3 A.M. Curfew Foes Heckled By Walker. (1926, June 30). New York Times, p. 1. Https://
Nightlife Advisory Board Report Summer 2021In the Summer of 2021, the Nightlife Advisory Board issued its primary report, but opted …
Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’ New York Times, June 1, 2022The New York Times published an article by Jeffery C. Mays and Julia Carmel on …Jeffery C. Mays and Julia Carmel, Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’, New York Times June 1, 2022.
Office of NightlifeThe Office of Nightlife, at the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, is a liaison for New …
Office of Nightlife (ONL) June 2021 ReportThe  complete 160 page report may be downloaded at this link and is described at …
Perretti, Burton Nightclub City: Politics and Amusement in Manhatta 2007Historian Burton Perreti’s 2007 well researched history of New York City nightlife includes a detailed …Perretti, B. W. (2013). Nightclub City - Politics and Amusement in Manhattan. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Proposed Zoning Changes Cut Remnants of Cabaret Law “Foot” Loose – CityLandArticle in CityLand concerning proposed zoning changes.Hunt, K. (2022, June 6). Proposed Zoning Changes Cut Remnants of Cabaret Law “Foot” Loose. CityLand. Retrieved from
Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A Blueprint for New York City’s Economic RecoveryReport from Mayor Adams of the City of New York dated March 10, 2022. Appears …
Runnin’ Wild – Most Popular Song of the Roaring Twenties – Confirmation BiasThose continuing to claim that he 1926 Cabaret Law was intended to target jazz, Harlem …
SLA 30-Day Advance Notice Form to Community Board 12-30-2021.The State Liquor Authority requires applicants to provide a 30 day notice to Community Boards …
SLA 30-Day Advance Notice to Community Board 12-31-21Applicant’s for Liquor LIcenses or change in Method of Operation are required to provide 30-days …
SLA Method of Operation Form 2013Applicants for New York State Liquor licenses must include in the application a statement of …
SLA Method of Operation Form 2018After repeal of the Cabaret Law, the SLA revised its forms for requesting the Method …
Special Permits by BSA – 18 Years and Only One Social Dancing Special PermitBoth prior to and after the 1989 revisions to the Zoning Resolution, Special Permits from …
State Liquor Authority Regulation of Dancing and Music – Method of Operations and License DatabaseThe New York State Liquor Authority is the dominant regulator of music and dancing in …
Statutory Authority of New York State Liquor Authority to Regulate Dancing and MusicThe SLA is subject to New York’s Alcohol and Beverage Control Law. Although the SLA …
Sugarman Amicus Letter Refuting Claims of Racist Intent in Original Cabaret LawLetter Motion to Intervene as Amicus Curiae,Letter Motion to Intervene as Amicus Curiae, Muchmore's Cafe, LLC v. City of New York, DE 33, 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY January 4, 2018)
Sugarman Presentation to Nightlife Advisory Board V. 3Concurrent with repeal of the Cabaret Law, the City Council established a new Nightlife Office …
Text of NYC Zoning ResolultionThe Zoning Resolution consists of 14 Articles and 11 Appendices, plus 126 Zoning Maps, that establish …
The Cabaret Law did not target black venues when allegedly not allowing jazz instruments in non-licensed establishments.When challenged, those having a belief that the Cabaret Law was racist justify their belief …
The New York State Liquor Authority – Regulation of Music and Dancing by Method of OperationThe New York State Liquor Authority has acted the major regulator of dancing in venues …
Understanding the Cabaret Law Repeal – Office of Nightlife -SLA Approval Required“In addition, if the venue has a license from the State Liquor Authority and did …
Use Group 10 Section 32-19 – HotelsThe Zoning Resolution allows dancing without restriction under Use Group 10, which carries on an …
Use Group 12 §32-21Use Group 12 applies in purely commercial and manufacturing areas and allows establishments with dancing.
Use Group 6 §32-15Use Group 6 applies in mixed commercial-residential areas. In eating and drinking establishments, does not …
Use Groups – Commercial District Regulations Article 3 – All Use Groups andZoning Resolution use group regulations including regulations of Use Group 6, 10 and 12 are …Zoning Resolution, Article Ill: Commercial District Regulations Chapter 2 – Use Regulations
Zoning Resolution – Provisions Relating to Dancing and MusicThe Zoning Resolution is over 3400 pages long. There are many provisions related to dancing …
Zoning Resolution – 1916 to PresentNew York City has had three major versions of the Zoning Resolution adopted in 1916, …
Zoning Resolution – Provisions Relating to Dancing and MusicProvisions of the New York City Zoning Resolution Concerning Regulation of Dancing and Music. Provisions …
Zoning Resolution As of 1960 Prior to 1961 RevisionThe 1916 Zoning Resolution as amended prior to 1961 included provision restricting the location of …

4: [doc_library layout="table"]
“Cabaret Law Repeal lets New York City Dance – as long as you’re zoned for it” – news article 11/29/2017Journalist Derek Evers wrote this article at the time the Cabaret Law was repealed in … 2″], , office-of-nightlife publications repeal cabaret-law
1916 Zoning ResolutionIn 1916, New York City adopted its first Zoning Resolution which created residence, business, and …In 1955, it appears that an amendment relating to cabarets and eating establishment were adopted. …, 1916-zoning-resolution zoning-resolution
1926 Cabaret Law as Enacted1926 Cabaret Law: A LOCAL LAW to regulate dance . halls and cabarets, and providing …  The other reason provided for the claim that the 1926 law targeted is the  …, , cabaret-law cabaret-law-racist-intent-belief statutes-and-regulations cabaret-law-history
1961 Zoning Resolution Use Groups – Music and DancingThe 1961 Zoning Resolution introduced provisions allowing in Use Groups 6 and 12 musical instruments …These restrictions were later declared unconstitutional in Chiasson I and Chiasson II.  The City responded …, statute-regulation-language zoning-resolution
1989 Report City Planning Commission and 1990 Amendments.After the Chiasson cases holding that the Cabaret Law could not restrict the number or …As to the Cabaret  Law and dancing and music restriction, there was a major amendment …, 1989-amendments zoning-resolution
A Night Club Map of Harlem – Campbell, E. SimmIf one gives credence to those who claim that the 1926 Cabaret Law was intended …Title A night-club map of Harlem Campbell, E. Simms (Elmer Simms), 1906-1971, cartographer. Dell Publishing …, cabaret-law harlem-renaissance cabaret-law-racist-intent-belief cabaret-law-history
Bar Association Committee Describes SLA and Community Boards Pressuring License ApplicantsIn 2018, the Committee on  Hospitality Law of the New York City Bar Association submitted …As attorneys involved in the process of the acquisition of liquor licenses and other related …, community-boards new-york-state-liquor-authority
Barnes US Supreme Court 1991Nude dancing may be prohibited “governmental interest served by the text of the prohibition is …Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc., 501 U.S. 560, 111 S. Ct. 2456, 115 L. Ed. …caselaw
Cabaret Law HistoryThe Cabaret Law and parallel provision in the City’s Zoning Resolution have evolved over time. …In order to understand the present, it is useful to understand the past. This section …cabaret-law-history cabaret-law
Chevigny – Gigs: Jazz and the Cabaret Laws in New York CityConstitutional Law Attorney and Counsel for Plaintiffs in Chevigny and Festa Cases book on the …Chevigny’s book recounts his litigation against the City in the Chiasson 1 and Chiasson 2 …, , , 1989-amendments books cabaret-law caselaw zoning-resolution publications
Chiasson v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs 1986This is the first Chiasson decision holding 1961 amendment to Cabaret Law restricting types of …  ********** Chiasson v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, 132 Misc. 2d 640 …caselaw
Chiasson v. NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs 1988The New York Supreme Court in the second Chiasson case in 1988 held that limiting …Chiasson v. NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs, 138 Misc. 2d 394, 524 N.Y.S.2d 649 (Sup. …, , cabaret-law caselaw statutes-and-regulations
City Council 2021 – Resolution re Amendment to Zoning Resolution to Allow DancingNew York City Council 2021 Resolution 1728 calling upon the Department of City Planning to …#### Sponsors were: Council Members Powers, Levine, Adams, Dinowitz, Menchaca, Reynoso, Van Bramer, Levin and …, city-council zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Coalition of Musicians and Social Dancers to Eliminate Regulations against Dancing and MusicIn formation is  the “Coalition of Musicians and Social Dancers to Reform NYC Zoning” to …In 2017, musicians included Pedro Giraudo (Grammy Award Winner),  Dr. Eli Yamin ( Intergenerational Jazz …coalition-of-musicians-and-dancers
Code NotesThe NYC Department of Buildings has failed to withdraw it Code Notes for Cabarets despite …The New York  City Department of Building issued in March 2017 a document entitled Code …, department-of-buildings statutes-and-regulations
Comment to CityLand Article Rezoning and Remnants of Cabaret Law of June, 2022Alan D. Sugarman submitted this comment to an oversimplified article appearing in CityLand. The article …CityLand June 2022 article – Rezoning and Remnants of Cabaret Law.  , latest-posts zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Community Board 1 Stipulations to be Added to the Liquor licenseSome Community Boards, such as Community Board 1, may require Applicants to enter into a …Following are excerpts from the CB1 stipulation form. It seems many applicants sign than not …new-york-state-liquor-authority
Dallas v. Stanglin, US Supreme Court, 1989Supreme Court decision often interpreted as holding that no constitutional protection for social dancing. “we do not think the Constitution recognizes a generalized right of ‘social association’ that includes …caselaw
DOB Interpretation of Local Law 41  department-of-buildings
Dry Manhattan Michael A. Lerner Harvard University Press 2007Published by Harvard University Press in 2008, historian Michael Lerner’s Dry Manhattan is an exhaustive …MICHAEL A. LERNER Copyright Date: 2007 Published by: Harvard University Press Lerner explains that Mayor …, books cabaret-law publications
Festa v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs -Supreme Court and Appellate Divisionin 2004, John Festa and other social dance teachers challenged the constitutionality of the zoning …Festa v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs,, 12 Misc. 3d 466, 820 N.Y.S.2d …, caselaw three-musician-limit cabaret-law-history cabaret-law
Latest DocumentsLatest PostsLatest Postslatest-posts
Letter 2-12-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingLetter to DCP requesting mapping of areas where dancing is prohibited. Despite the recognition that …DCP ultimately declined to produce such a map, although creative use of Zola will allow …, , department-of-city-planning letters-to-dcp zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Letter 2-18-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingSecond 2019 letter requesting Department of City Planning to take the lead in providing a …See All letters:  , , , department-of-city-planning letters-to-dcp zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Letter 3-06-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingThird letter to Department of City Planning discussing the 1989 changes to the Zoning Resolution …  *********** The report in support of the 1989 changes to the Zoning Resolution implementing …, , , department-of-city-planning letters-to-dcp zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Letter to Council Member Reynoso February 28, 2020Letter to City Council concerning lack of action in reforming the Zoning Resolution bans on …, zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Letter to Dan Garodnick Director Dept of City Planning July 24, 2022Letter suggesting issues to be explored in reviewing zoning resolution re music and dancing., , , department-of-city-planning latest-posts letters-to-dcp zoning-resolution
Letters to City Planning 2019 Request Review of Dancing and Music RegulationsFifteen months after repeal of the Cabaret Law, there was little evidence of reform of …These letters requested among other thing mapping by the Department to show the many areas …, , department-of-city-planning letters letters-to-dcp zoning-resolution
Local Law 178 – 2017 Establishing Office of NIghtlife and Advisory BoardLocal Law 178 was adopted in 2017 in conjunction with the repeal of the Cabaret …2017 Local Law 178 Establishing Office of Nightlife and Advisory Board NIghtlife Advisory Board, , caselaw nightlife-advisory-board office-of-nightlife
M.A.R.C.H. – Multi-Agency Response to Community HotspotsThe Office of Nightlife at the NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment presents the …The Office of Nightlife at the NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment presents the …m-a-r-c-h
M.A.R.C.H. Local Law 220 – 2019 Regulating M.A.R.C.H., , city-council m-a-r-c-h statutes-and-regulations
M.A.R.C.H. Sugarman Comments to City Council February 18, 2019Alan Sugarman provided post hearing Comment to the New York City Council in  connection with …As noted in the Committee transcript of November 13,  2019 transcript: At a hearing several …, letters m-a-r-c-h
Map of Where Dancing is Allowed
Mapping of Zoning Lots Subject to Dancing and Music RegulationsFocused consideration of reform of the Zoning Resolution suggest the need for informative mapping showing …Focused consideration of reform of the Zoning Resolution suggest the need for informative mapping showing …, , mapping use-groups zoning-resolution
Mayor Adams Outlines Vision for “City of Yes,” Plan for Citywide Zoning Initiatives to Support Small Businesses, Create New Housing, Promote SustainabilityPress Release June 1, 2022 New York City Mayor Eric Adams today laid out a …See also Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A Blueprint for New York City’s Economic Recovery Council Majority …zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Mercedes Ellington Statement in Support of Repeal, cabaret-law repeal
Metrics and Factors Used in Dance and Music RegulationMetrics and Factors This article provides an overview of numeric metrics and other factors used …Metrics and Factors This article provides an overview of numeric metrics and other factors used …, , latest-posts use-groups zoning-resolution
Muchmore Amended ComplaintMuchmore’s Amended Complaint – falsely represented that the thee musician and type of instrument limitations …   , , cabaret-law muchmore three-musician-limit cabaret-law-history
Muchmore Court Memorandum on Motions June 29, 1916Memorandum and Order of Judge Roslynn R. Mauskopf, United States District Court of the Eastern …By not dismissing the complaint, the Court held over the City the possibility of ultimate …, , cabaret-law caselaw muchmore
Muchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 2014 DocketMuchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY 2014)       …Muchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY 2014)       …, caselaw muchmore cabaret-law
Musician and Dancer Statements in Support of Repeal of Cabaret Law and LitigationMusicians and dancers in 2015 and 2017 affiliated with the Coalition submitted statements supporting repeal …, coalition-of-musicians-and-dancers letters
New York Times, June 30, 1926 Article Provides Context as to Running Wild Introduction to Cabaret Law bill.A New York Times article from June 30, 1926 describes Mayor Walker’s debating the proposed …“3 A.M. Curfew Foes Heckled By Walker” An opponent described “out-of-town visitors” “running wild”, and …, , , articles cabaret-law-history cabaret-law-racist-intent-belief latest-posts publications cabaret-law
Nightlife Advisory Board Report Summer 2021In the Summer of 2021, the Nightlife Advisory Board issued its primary report, but opted …Following is the recommendation in the report as to the zoning resolution. The Board had …, , nightlife-advisory-board office-of-nightlife zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’ New York Times, June 1, 2022The New York Times published an article by Jeffery C. Mays and Julia Carmel on …Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’ The article refers to a Plan …, articles zoning-reform publications zoning-resolution
Office of NightlifeThe Office of Nightlife, at the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, is a liaison for New …The Office of Nightlife, at the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, is a liaison for New …office-of-nightlife
Office of Nightlife (ONL) June 2021 ReportThe  complete 160 page report may be downloaded at this link and is described at …The  complete 160 page report may be downloaded at this link and is described at …, office-of-nightlife zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Perretti, Burton Nightclub City: Politics and Amusement in Manhatta 2007Historian Burton Perreti’s 2007 well researched history of New York City nightlife includes a detailed …Professor Perretti, relying upon original sources, provides a fascinating account of nightclubs, speakeasies, and cabarets …, books cabaret-law-history publications cabaret-law
Proposed Zoning Changes Cut Remnants of Cabaret Law “Foot” Loose – CityLandArticle in CityLand concerning proposed zoning changes.Hunt, K. (2022, June 6). Proposed Zoning Changes Cut Remnants of Cabaret Law “Foot” Loose. …, articles zoning-reform publications zoning-resolution
Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A Blueprint for New York City’s Economic RecoveryReport from Mayor Adams of the City of New York dated March 10, 2022. Appears …zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Runnin’ Wild – Most Popular Song of the Roaring Twenties – Confirmation BiasThose continuing to claim that he 1926 Cabaret Law was intended to target jazz, Harlem …Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a …, , cabaret-law cabaret-law-racist-intent-belief harlem-renaissance cabaret-law-history
SLA 30-Day Advance Notice Form to Community Board 12-30-2021.The State Liquor Authority requires applicants to provide a 30 day notice to Community Boards …new-york-state-liquor-authority
SLA 30-Day Advance Notice to Community Board 12-31-21Applicant’s for Liquor LIcenses or change in Method of Operation are required to provide 30-days …new-york-state-liquor-authority
SLA Method of Operation Form 2013Applicants for New York State Liquor licenses must include in the application a statement of …This is the 2013 version of the Method of  Operation form.   “Currently if there …new-york-state-liquor-authority
SLA Method of Operation Form 2018After repeal of the Cabaret Law, the SLA revised its forms for requesting the Method …Applicants are also required to provide 30 days to community boards, where similar questions are …new-york-state-liquor-authority
Special Permits by BSA – 18 Years and Only One Social Dancing Special PermitBoth prior to and after the 1989 revisions to the Zoning Resolution, Special Permits from …Both prior to and after the 1989 revisions to the Zoning Resolution, Special Permits from …, latest-posts zoning-resolution
State Liquor Authority Regulation of Dancing and Music – Method of Operations and License DatabaseThe New York State Liquor Authority is the dominant regulator of music and dancing in …We have completed a preliminary analysis of the NY SLA license database at It is …, , community-boards latest-posts new-york-state-liquor-authority
Statutory Authority of New York State Liquor Authority to Regulate Dancing and MusicThe SLA is subject to New York’s Alcohol and Beverage Control Law. Although the SLA …The SLA is only allowed to inquire as to additional categories of information needed to …new-york-state-liquor-authority
Sugarman Amicus Letter Refuting Claims of Racist Intent in Original Cabaret LawLetter Motion to Intervene as Amicus Curiae,Letter Motion to Intervene as Amicus Curiae,, , , cabaret-law cabaret-law-racist-intent-belief muchmore three-musician-limit cabaret-law-history
Sugarman Presentation to Nightlife Advisory Board V. 3Concurrent with repeal of the Cabaret Law, the City Council established a new Nightlife Office …, , , , new-york-state-liquor-authority nightlife-advisory-board office-of-nightlife zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Text of NYC Zoning ResolultionThe Zoning Resolution consists of 14 Articles and 11 Appendices, plus 126 Zoning Maps, that establish …The Zoning Resolution consists of 14 Articles and 11 Appendices, plus 126 Zoning Maps, that establish …, , statute-regulation-language statutes-and-regulations zoning-resolution
The Cabaret Law did not target black venues when allegedly not allowing jazz instruments in non-licensed establishments.When challenged, those having a belief that the Cabaret Law was racist justify their belief …The Muchmore litigation irresponsibly represented to the Court that the 1926 law contained these limitation …, , , cabaret-law-history cabaret-law-racist-intent-belief muchmore three-musician-limit cabaret-law
The New York State Liquor Authority – Regulation of Music and Dancing by Method of OperationThe New York State Liquor Authority has acted the major regulator of dancing in venues …[This section is under development, so  please check back.] The New York State Liquor Authority …, , , community-boards latest-posts m-a-r-c-h new-york-state-liquor-authority
Understanding the Cabaret Law Repeal – Office of Nightlife -SLA Approval Required“In addition, if the venue has a license from the State Liquor Authority and did …Understanding the Cabaret Law Repeal. In 2019, the Office of Nightlife explained the limitations of …, , new-york-state-liquor-authority zoning-reform zoning-resolution
Use Group 10 Section 32-19 – HotelsThe Zoning Resolution allows dancing without restriction under Use Group 10, which carries on an …, use-groups zoning-resolution
Use Group 12 §32-21Use Group 12 applies in purely commercial and manufacturing areas and allows establishments with dancing., , , statute-regulation-language statutes-and-regulations use-groups zoning-resolution
Use Group 6 §32-15Use Group 6 applies in mixed commercial-residential areas. In eating and drinking establishments, does not …, , , statute-regulation-language statutes-and-regulations use-groups zoning-resolution
Use Groups – Commercial District Regulations Article 3 – All Use Groups andZoning Resolution use group regulations including regulations of Use Group 6, 10 and 12 are …Use Groups governing allowed uses in zoning districts are established by the Zoning Resolution, Article …, , , statute-regulation-language statutes-and-regulations use-groups zoning-resolution
Zoning Resolution – Provisions Relating to Dancing and MusicThe Zoning Resolution is over 3400 pages long. There are many provisions related to dancing …Full Zoning Resolution – 3476 Pages March 2022., statutes-and-regulations zoning-resolution
Zoning Resolution – 1916 to PresentNew York City has had three major versions of the Zoning Resolution adopted in 1916, …New York City’s first Zoning Resolution was adopted in 1916. By 1960, there were hundreds …, , 1916-zoning-resolution 1989-amendments zoning-resolution
Zoning Resolution – Provisions Relating to Dancing and MusicProvisions of the New York City Zoning Resolution Concerning Regulation of Dancing and Music. Provisions …Provisions of the New York City Zoning Resolution Concerning Regulation of Dancing and Music. Provisions …, , , , 1989-amendments statute-regulation-language statutes-and-regulations use-groups zoning-resolution
Zoning Resolution As of 1960 Prior to 1961 RevisionThe 1916 Zoning Resolution as amended prior to 1961 included provision restricting the location of …Zoning Resolution As of 1960 Prior to 1961 Revision  including all amendments  to the 1916 …, , , 1916-zoning-resolution statute-regulation-language statutes-and-regulations zoning-resolution

5: [doc_library content="image,title,content,doc_date,cf:source"]
ImageTitleContentDoc Datesource
“Cabaret Law Repeal lets New York City Dance – as long as you’re zoned for it” – news article 11/29/2017 2″]Derek Evers, City & State New York
1916 Zoning ResolutionIn 1955, it appears that an amendment relating to cabarets and eating establishment were adopted. …
1926 Cabaret Law as Enacted  The other reason provided for the claim that the 1926 law targeted is the  …New York City Council.
1961 Zoning Resolution Use Groups – Music and DancingThese restrictions were later declared unconstitutional in Chiasson I and Chiasson II.  The City responded …
1989 Report City Planning Commission and 1990 Amendments.As to the Cabaret  Law and dancing and music restriction, there was a major amendment …New York City
A Night Club Map of Harlem – Campbell, E. SimmTitle A night-club map of Harlem Campbell, E. Simms (Elmer Simms), 1906-1971, cartographer. Dell Publishing …
Bar Association Committee Describes SLA and Community Boards Pressuring License ApplicantsAs attorneys involved in the process of the acquisition of liquor licenses and other related …
Barnes US Supreme Court 1991Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc., 501 U.S. 560, 111 S. Ct. 2456, 115 L. Ed. …United States Supreme Court
Cabaret Law HistoryIn order to understand the present, it is useful to understand the past. This section …
Chevigny – Gigs: Jazz and the Cabaret Laws in New York CityChevigny’s book recounts his litigation against the City in the Chiasson 1 and Chiasson 2 …Paul Chevigny
Chiasson v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs 1986  ********** Chiasson v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, 132 Misc. 2d 640 …New York State Supreme Court
Chiasson v. NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs 1988Chiasson v. NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs, 138 Misc. 2d 394, 524 N.Y.S.2d 649 (Sup. …New York State Supreme Court, New York County
City Council 2021 – Resolution re Amendment to Zoning Resolution to Allow Dancing#### Sponsors were: Council Members Powers, Levine, Adams, Dinowitz, Menchaca, Reynoso, Van Bramer, Levin and …
Coalition of Musicians and Social Dancers to Eliminate Regulations against Dancing and MusicIn 2017, musicians included Pedro Giraudo (Grammy Award Winner),  Dr. Eli Yamin ( Intergenerational Jazz …
Code NotesThe New York  City Department of Building issued in March 2017 a document entitled Code …
Comment to CityLand Article Rezoning and Remnants of Cabaret Law of June, 2022CityLand June 2022 article – Rezoning and Remnants of Cabaret Law.  Alan D. Sugarman
Community Board 1 Stipulations to be Added to the Liquor licenseFollowing are excerpts from the CB1 stipulation form. It seems many applicants sign than not …
Dallas v. Stanglin, US Supreme Court, 1989 “we do not think the Constitution recognizes a generalized right of ‘social association’ that includes …US Supreme Court
DOB Interpretation of Local Law 41 
Dry Manhattan Michael A. Lerner Harvard University Press 2007MICHAEL A. LERNER Copyright Date: 2007 Published by: Harvard University Press Lerner explains that Mayor …
Festa v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs -Supreme Court and Appellate DivisionFesta v. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs,, 12 Misc. 3d 466, 820 N.Y.S.2d …
Latest DocumentsLatest Posts
Letter 2-12-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingDCP ultimately declined to produce such a map, although creative use of Zola will allow …Alan D. Sugarman
Letter 2-18-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re DancingSee All letters:  Alan D. Sugarman
Letter 3-06-2019 to Department of City Planning Requesting Review of Zoning Resolution re Dancing  *********** The report in support of the 1989 changes to the Zoning Resolution implementing …
Letter to Council Member Reynoso February 28, 2020
Letter to Dan Garodnick Director Dept of City Planning July 24, 2022
Letters to City Planning 2019 Request Review of Dancing and Music RegulationsThese letters requested among other thing mapping by the Department to show the many areas …
Local Law 178 – 2017 Establishing Office of NIghtlife and Advisory Board2017 Local Law 178 Establishing Office of Nightlife and Advisory Board NIghtlife Advisory Board
M.A.R.C.H. – Multi-Agency Response to Community HotspotsThe Office of Nightlife at the NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment presents the …
M.A.R.C.H. Local Law 220 – 2019 Regulating M.A.R.C.H.
M.A.R.C.H. Sugarman Comments to City Council February 18, 2019As noted in the Committee transcript of November 13,  2019 transcript: At a hearing several …
Map of Where Dancing is Allowed
Mapping of Zoning Lots Subject to Dancing and Music RegulationsFocused consideration of reform of the Zoning Resolution suggest the need for informative mapping showing …
Mayor Adams Outlines Vision for “City of Yes,” Plan for Citywide Zoning Initiatives to Support Small Businesses, Create New Housing, Promote SustainabilitySee also Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A Blueprint for New York City’s Economic Recovery Council Majority …Office of the Mayor NYC
Mercedes Ellington Statement in Support of Repeal
Metrics and Factors Used in Dance and Music RegulationMetrics and Factors This article provides an overview of numeric metrics and other factors used …
Muchmore Amended Complaint   Muchmore Cafe LLC
Muchmore Court Memorandum on Motions June 29, 1916By not dismissing the complaint, the Court held over the City the possibility of ultimate …Hon. Roslynn R. Mauskopf, USDJ
Muchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 2014 DocketMuchmore’s Cafe, LLC v. City of New York 1:14-cv-05668 (USDC EDNY 2014)       …United States District Court, Eastern District of New York
Musician and Dancer Statements in Support of Repeal of Cabaret Law and Litigation
New York Times, June 30, 1926 Article Provides Context as to Running Wild Introduction to Cabaret Law bill.“3 A.M. Curfew Foes Heckled By Walker” An opponent described “out-of-town visitors” “running wild”, and …
Nightlife Advisory Board Report Summer 2021Following is the recommendation in the report as to the zoning resolution. The Board had …
Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’ New York Times, June 1, 2022Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’ The article refers to a Plan …New York Times Jeffery C. Mays and Julia Carmel
Office of NightlifeThe Office of Nightlife, at the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, is a liaison for New …
Office of Nightlife (ONL) June 2021 ReportThe  complete 160 page report may be downloaded at this link and is described at …
Perretti, Burton Nightclub City: Politics and Amusement in Manhatta 2007Professor Perretti, relying upon original sources, provides a fascinating account of nightclubs, speakeasies, and cabarets …
Proposed Zoning Changes Cut Remnants of Cabaret Law “Foot” Loose – CityLandHunt, K. (2022, June 6). Proposed Zoning Changes Cut Remnants of Cabaret Law “Foot” Loose. …
Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A Blueprint for New York City’s Economic RecoveryMayor City of New York
Runnin’ Wild – Most Popular Song of the Roaring Twenties – Confirmation BiasConfirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a …
SLA 30-Day Advance Notice Form to Community Board 12-30-2021.NYS State Liquor Authority
SLA 30-Day Advance Notice to Community Board 12-31-21
SLA Method of Operation Form 2013This is the 2013 version of the Method of  Operation form.   “Currently if there …
SLA Method of Operation Form 2018Applicants are also required to provide 30 days to community boards, where similar questions are …State Liquor Authority
Special Permits by BSA – 18 Years and Only One Social Dancing Special PermitBoth prior to and after the 1989 revisions to the Zoning Resolution, Special Permits from …
State Liquor Authority Regulation of Dancing and Music – Method of Operations and License DatabaseWe have completed a preliminary analysis of the NY SLA license database at It is …
Statutory Authority of New York State Liquor Authority to Regulate Dancing and MusicThe SLA is only allowed to inquire as to additional categories of information needed to …
Sugarman Amicus Letter Refuting Claims of Racist Intent in Original Cabaret LawLetter Motion to Intervene as Amicus Curiae,Alan D. Sugarman
Sugarman Presentation to Nightlife Advisory Board V. 3Alan D. Sugarman
Text of NYC Zoning ResolultionThe Zoning Resolution consists of 14 Articles and 11 Appendices, plus 126 Zoning Maps, that establish …
The Cabaret Law did not target black venues when allegedly not allowing jazz instruments in non-licensed establishments.The Muchmore litigation irresponsibly represented to the Court that the 1926 law contained these limitation …
The New York State Liquor Authority – Regulation of Music and Dancing by Method of Operation[This section is under development, so  please check back.] The New York State Liquor Authority …
Understanding the Cabaret Law Repeal – Office of Nightlife -SLA Approval RequiredUnderstanding the Cabaret Law Repeal. In 2019, the Office of Nightlife explained the limitations of …Office of Nightlife
Use Group 10 Section 32-19 – Hotels
Use Group 12 §32-21
Use Group 6 §32-15
Use Groups – Commercial District Regulations Article 3 – All Use Groups andUse Groups governing allowed uses in zoning districts are established by the Zoning Resolution, Article …City of New York
Zoning Resolution – Provisions Relating to Dancing and MusicFull Zoning Resolution – 3476 Pages March 2022.
Zoning Resolution – 1916 to PresentNew York City’s first Zoning Resolution was adopted in 1916. By 1960, there were hundreds …
Zoning Resolution – Provisions Relating to Dancing and MusicProvisions of the New York City Zoning Resolution Concerning Regulation of Dancing and Music. Provisions …
Zoning Resolution As of 1960 Prior to 1961 RevisionZoning Resolution As of 1960 Prior to 1961 Revision  including all amendments  to the 1916 …

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Welcome to the Gutenberg EditorThe goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple …
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